Chris Writes About Presenting His Important Bills & The Book He Co-Authored
The book Chris co-authored and mentions;
Canary In a Covid World
How Propaganda And Censorship Changed Our (My) World
"The thirty four contributors, the Canaries, to this collection of essays are courageous people."
To read more about the book please CLICK HERE
To secure your discount on a copy of Canary In a Covid World please email [email protected] and mention "The New Stour & Avon"
To read the full debates on the Bills Chris mentions in his article, and recently presented, please click below:
BBC Licence Fee Non-Payment (Decriminalisation for Over-75s) Bill
Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Payments Bill
Regulatory Impact Assessments Bill
Chris is Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Vaccine Damage, and an ardent campaigner for the Vaccine Damaged.
To find out more about the work of the APPG on Covid Vaccine Damage please CLICK HERE
To find out more about Chris's Campaign regarding Covid Vaccine Damage please CLICK HERE
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