Chris Chope has over 25 years experience as an MP. He was first elected as MP for Christchurch in 1997, since when he has increased his majority to over 24000. From 1983 to 1992, he was MP for Southampton Itchen.
Chris held Ministerial office in the Governments of Margaret Thatcher and John Major between 1986 and 1992, latterly as Roads Minister. He also held shadow Ministerial posts under William Hague and Michael Howard. He was a member of the Health & Safety Commission from 1993-1997 and the Local Government Commission from 1993-1996.
Chris began his political career as Leader of Wandsworth Council in 1979 when he helped pioneer competitive tendering and cost-cutting in Local Government, ensuring that Wandsworth could achieve the lowest council tax in the country. Chris has held various positions in the Conservative Party. As Vice-Chairman for Local Government, he founded the Conservative Councillors Association. He was Chairman of the Parliamentary Candidates Association between 1995 and 1997. He also served as Joint Secretary of the 1922 Committee of Conservative Backbenchers from 2006-2012.
In the 2017 to 2019 Parliament, Chris was a member of the Committee for Exiting the European Union and the Home Affairs Committee. He was also on the Speaker's Panel of Chairmen, the Privileges Committee, the Standards Committee and the Procedure Committee. He chaired the All Party Parliamentary Group on Park Homes, the All Party Parliamentary Group for Highways and the All Party Parliamentary Group for the Private Rented Sector. He was also Joint Treasurer of the British-American Parliamentary Group and a member of the UK Parliamentary delegation to the Assembly of the Council of Europe.
In the 2019 Parliament, Chris served as a member of the Procedure Committee and the Environmental Audit Committee. He was also on the Speakers Panel of Chairman. He Chaired All Party Parliamentary Groups on Covid-19 Vaccine Damage, Highways and Park Homes. He was also Joint Treasurer of the British-American Parliamentary Group and a member of the UK Parliamentary delegation to the Assembly of the Council of Europe.