Chris Seeks Clarity On Tribunal Decisions Used To Assess Claims
Christopher Chope Conservative, Christchurch
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what tribunal decisions have been used by the NHS Business Services Authority to assess claims relating to Covid-19 vaccinations under the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme.
Ashley Dalton Labour, West Lancashire
Since taking over administration of the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme on 1 November 2021, all decisions taken by the NHS Business Services Authority that have been appealed to tribunal have been upheld.
Decisions in first tier tribunals do not set a precedent for other cases. All claims to the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme are assessed on a case-by-case basis, using the latest available medical evidence. Medical assessors will consider the claim form, medical records from the vaccinated person’s healthcare providers, clinical research, epidemiological evidence, and the current consensus of expert medical opinion.
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